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Advisory Budget Committee Minutes 2009/11/19

Thursday November 19, 2009
A meeting of the Budget Advisory Committee (the “BAC”) of the Town of Sunapee, NH, was held on November 19, 2009 at 3:00pm at the town offices meeting room.

Members Present:
Spec Bowers Ken Mayer Shane Hastings Charlie Smith Rich Duperey

Also Present as guests were:
Members Absent:

Call to Order
Spec Bowers called the meeting to order 3:00pm and Richard Duperey recorded the minutes. A quorum of members was present, and the meeting, having been duly convened, was ready to proceed with business.
Old Business:
No old business was brought forth and discussed.

New Business:
Spec Bowers opened discussions of the town budget. The first question raised was the process and amount of the “Step Raises” for town employees. It was questioned as to whether these raises could be skipped this budget year. It was concluded that more background and data was required on this issue.
The next topic discussed was the Article 16 -Dewey Fields for $100,000. Conclusion was for the BAC not to supporting this article for at least this budget year.
The next topic discussed was the Article 17 – Skate board park equipment for $20,000. Conclusion was for the BAC not to supporting this article for at least this budget year.
The next topic discussed was the Library. Articles 22 --New Capital Reserve Fund for $25,000 and Article 25 – Mold Replenishment for $11,000 Discussion centered on the need for two separate funds, the eventual goal amount of a new capital reserve fund and the adequacy of the Repairs and Maintenance line item in the operating budget. Conclusion was more data is generally needed on this topic, but the Replenishment for Mold Article 25 is supported by the BAC.
The next topic discussed was the Article 32– Water / Sewer Mapping. Numerous questions were raised, but it was concluded that this Article does not affect the tax rate of the general taxpayer.
The next topic discussed was the Article 13 – Fire Equipment for $87,000. Conclusion was for the BAC to support this article.
The next topic discussed was the Article 26 – Police Cruiser for $23,700. Conclusion was for the BAC to support this article.
The next topic discussed was the Article 14 – Highway Capital Reserve for $137,300. Conclusion was for the BAC to support this article.
The next topic discussed was the Article 18– Purchase of 4x4 H6 for $140,000. Conclusion was for the BAC to support this article.
The next topic discussed was the Article 24 – Purchase of H15 for $182,000. Conclusion was for the BAC to support this article.
The last topic discussed was the Article 15 – Town Bridge Reserve for $40,000. Conclusion was for the BAC to support this article.
The final piece of business was to schedule the next meeting of the BAC. A date of December 07, 2009 at 3:00pm was decided.

There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Richard R Duperey, Recording Secretary